Monday, June 9, 2008

CreSTOC 2008: The Movie!!

Our very own talented Fred C. Adams (Finewest) has assembled a really nice montage of video to a great sound track of CreSTOC 2008 (Hosted at my place in Crestline, Ca)!

Crank the volume and let 'er rip!

Thanks Fred!!!! Awesome Work!


Saturday, June 7, 2008

WeSTOC 2008 Preparation: Thank you Byron!

Well, I leave in less than a week (6/12/08) for WeSTOC. This year it is being held in Taos, NM, so of course I have a very circuitous route planned for Lee and I to take.

The last bit of maintenance was completed today, not by me, but by Byron. He drove all the way down to Dana Teel's house in La Mesa to help the two of us change our tires and complete other pre-departure maintenance items.

I also managed to get the final drive oil changed out (again, with Byron's help). I'm not sure why I thought it was a complicated job....but it is extremely easy and I will probably do it at regular intervals (at the same time as oil changes).

Here are some photos from today's "Mini-TechSTOC":

In attendance:

Todd (MeanST)

Thanks again to Dana and Vicki for hosting us....and of course Byron (with and occasional assist from John) for pretty much doing all of the work!


Thursday, June 5, 2008

CreSTOC 2008 (5/30/2008 - 6/1/2008)

I had a great time hosting the event up at my place in Crestline, Ca. Close to 40 people attended. Great friends, good food, great weather and a good ride! What more is there to say?