Saturday, September 13, 2008

OCC: "American Hondas" - Part 2

Well, I finally got the bikes delivered and they barely fit in my 1 car garage.

As much as I would like to keep these (And yes, they are as nice as the original pictures), I have decided to "flip them". Realistically, I just don't have the space in my garage to keep *5* bikes.

Every time I need to prep one of my touring bikes for a trip, I'm going to have to move the classics out of the way and risk damaging them. It's obvious I need a bigger house...well...not house... I like my condo...maybe a two bedroom 4 car garage....? But I digress.... :)

An interesting note: When the shipper (the owner and driver of the shipping company) arrived with the bikes, he immediately commented that everyone that saw them thought I had made an exceptionally good deal (also considering who the previous owner is - Paul Teutul Sr!). His exact remarks..."They are beautiful. Contact me if you ever want to sell them because I have some people that would be really interested."

So I shot John a call last week and let him know my decision. He said he'll shop them around. I've also decided to list these as a pair on ebay, using the original photos from the ad. Probably not the smartest decision as it won't maximize any profit, but it's not about the profit in this case. These are exceptional bikes and they just aren't going to fit in my life right now.

I have a cool story to go with this and that's enough. :)

Let the bidding commence.

Here's a link to the purchase ad (It reflects what I paid for the bikes including shipping):

CLICK HERE to view previous Ebay Purchase!

Here's a link to the current Ebay Listing:




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